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Our Vision

One of the central themes to the World Culture Club (WCC) is “Social Entrepreunism. Nonprofits of the future need to “do well by doing good”. The mission of nonprofit organizations is not to make money but without money a nonprofit will cease to exist.

At WCC we do not receive government funding nor do we want to, government grants require an accounting department that is familiar with the intricacies of their very complex rules. Most small organizations do not have the resources to handle the tangle of rules that government grants present.

We would rather figure out a viable yet lawful alternative to the traditional methods of funding, hence we consider “Affiliate Marketing”. We are in the process of creating a second website with the domain name of This dot com will be a purely commercial site that will fund its nonprofit sister

Affiliate marketing is the process where will list products from Amazon and other larger vendors, the buyers after clicking on a link on our website will purchase the products directly from the vendor. The vendor pays the dot com organization a “finder fee” and the buyer does not pay any extra money.

Affiliate marketing provides a “win-win” situation, we hope you will consider making purchases from our sites.

Thank you.